Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Silhouette based off art by Ceri Thomas

One of the most complete ankylosaurs or, more specifically, nodosaurids, is Animantarx. It is one of the few dinosaurs that is aptly named, because "Living Fortress" is just one of the most badass names in all of Paleontology!

  • This one really is not that unique, since it looks very similar to Sauropelta
  • This beast's fossils were/are radioactive
  • It was rather small for an Ankylosaur, but not for a Nodosaur; approx. 10 feet in length.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Silhouette based off of work by Ceri Thomas

Amargasaurus means, "Lizard from La Amarga." La Amarga is a geologic formation in Argentina, go figure. Seems like it would have been better idea to name it after its spiky mohawk, but that's just me, I guess.

  • Amargasaurus was one of the last Dicraeosaurids to exist, it lived during the Early Cretaceous, surpassed only by Amargatitanis
  • It had a double row of bone spines running down its neck, no one has agreed upon what it used them for
  • Skin may have run between the spines, but, again, no one is certain yet as there is no fossil evidence for it
  • Yet another animal named for where it was found
  • Basically a mini apatosaurus with a mohawk