Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Silhouette based off of work by Ceri Thomas

Amargasaurus means, "Lizard from La Amarga." La Amarga is a geologic formation in Argentina, go figure. Seems like it would have been better idea to name it after its spiky mohawk, but that's just me, I guess.

  • Amargasaurus was one of the last Dicraeosaurids to exist, it lived during the Early Cretaceous, surpassed only by Amargatitanis
  • It had a double row of bone spines running down its neck, no one has agreed upon what it used them for
  • Skin may have run between the spines, but, again, no one is certain yet as there is no fossil evidence for it
  • Yet another animal named for where it was found
  • Basically a mini apatosaurus with a mohawk

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